Cover Reveal: Astra Idari Beyond Lights by Darby Harn

I’m immensely pleased to help reveal the cover for Darby Harn’s newest book, Astra Idari Beyond Lights. The wonderful Al Hess returns as the cover artist for the sequel to Stargun Messenger. I can’t get enough of Al’s artwork, whether its for his own books, someone else’s, or unrelated art. If you like the cover art, I highly suggest you follow Al on Instagram.

Darby celebrates this release with limited edition through Kickstarter. I can’t wait to see what they look like! But if you don’t care for Kickstarters, you can preorder via Amazon as well (link below).

Follow the Kickstarter!

Astra Idari Beyond Lights

Genre: Space Opera, Space Fantasy
Cover Design: Al Hess
Length: 90k words

The Stargun Messenger Saga continues!

Astra Idari saved the universe. Got the girl. Transitioned from android to a human. Now all she wants is to enjoy her happily ever after. When her original programmers lay claim to her singular memory, Idari has to run for her life.

Her programmers unleash Omna Devor, a vicious, unstoppable AI that infects everything it touches. With Devor spreading through Idari’s neural net, Idari seeks a mythical utopia for advanced AI to find a cure or face deletion.

Her journey leads her across the stars, from her friends and family, and deeper into a cosmic mystery that goes beyond the data in her head. As Idari races against time to save her life, she discovers her programmer’s true objective: an ancient secret in her memory that could change the galaxy, forever…

Preorder now

About the Author

Darby Harn is the author of Stargun Messenger, a Self Published Science Fiction Contest Quarterfinalist, and Ever The Hero, which Publisher’s Weekly called an “entertaining debut that uses superpowers as a metaphor to delve into class politics in an alternate America.” His fiction appears in Strange Horizons, Interzone, Shimmer, and other venues. He graduated from the University of Iowa and studied at Trinity College, in Dublin, Ireland, as part of the Irish Writing Program.


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