Cover Reveal: Undine’s Blessing

I know Tales of Lunis Aquaria has a ton of fans and I decided to focus on expanding the universe after Infernal Contracts was done. But that’s going to take too long, I thought. So I wrote a few short stories for you. The first one will be newsletter exclusive. The second one I’ve submitted to an anthology. If they accept it, you’ll have a chance to read it by the end of the year. If not, I’m going to reuse it.

Both of these stories are directly related to two stories from Tales of Lunis Aquaria and I’ve included a few familiar elements as well. I’m curious if you can spot them. I’m planning to write full standalone novels about both main characters in the future. The first one will feature Marella, who you’ll meet in this short story. The reason I’m releasing the story this month is because it’s #mermay, a mermaid-themed month. And guess what? Marella receives some interesting powers by the end of the book!

I’ve got the plot and cover for Marella’s novel all done, so as soon as I’m done editing Infernal Contracts, I’m going to dive right in. I’m really excited and I hope you’ll like her. For now, I have the cover and summary for Undine’s Blessing to share with you. I’m working on formatting right now and once it’s all uploaded I’ll send a newsletter out so you can download it. Sign up now to be the first to read it!

Undine’s Blessing

A Lunis Aquaria short story

Marella is like a fish in the waterit’s where she belongs. When she’s reminded of her human limits, a dolphin saves her and offers her the magic of Thalassa. But when she comes too close to the sacred site, a dangerous guardian stops her.

Sign up for my newsletter now to receive it as soon as it released! It’ll be available for all future signups as well until I’ve got my next short story ready. Stay on the list if you want more Lunis Aquaria updates and more free short stories in the future.

Note: This newsletter is my author newsletter and is not related to this website. Although some information overlaps, I will only share news and updates about my books (and maybe the occasional personal thing) in this newsletter. I won’t bother you with weekly updates or just copy/paste my blog posts. I might do it the other way around and share the news from my newsletter on the blog, but in those cases, my newsletter subscribers will be the first to know.


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