Book Spotlight: Zoo by A.C. Cross

Zoo by A.C. Cross
Genre: Dark Humor
Length: 41 pages

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Welcome to the Zoo! Inside, you won’t find tigers or lions but Anxieties galore. You’ll crawl through the Depression Caves and gallivant through the Regret Gardens. You’ll see wondrous creatures that will tug at the very heart of you. And at the very end, amidst it all, we offer you one more surprise. Join us for a tour today!

Zoo is a novella written by A.C. Cross in between bigger projects. I haven’t read it yet but the description reminds me a lot of Luke Tarzian’s A Cup of Tea at the Mouth of Hell, a seemingly cosy story with a lot of layers regarding mental health. Luke Tarzian did the layout for the incredible cover while the art itself is AI-generated. I think it fits the theme very well and I look forward to meeting this weird little creature. You can pre-order the novella now and start reading in just a few days!

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